Comprehensive care it-system

Specialized for clinics, mobile workers and treatment centers.

Security and speed

Our servers are hosted at one of Europe’s largest hosting centers and the security is top notch. All data between you and the system is encrypted and complies with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Also for staff on the move

The system is accessible via web browser, tablet and smartphone. You will be able to help clients on the go and through text recognition, dictate your journals directly into the system. All this to make your workday easier, and give more time for clients.

Feedback from Clients

You can now recive feedback from the clients directly into the system. In this way you can prevent premature discharges and ensure that the clients get the requested experience during their stay in your facility.

We make your working days easier

Get  more time for those you are dealing with. At the same time as statistics and development plans are ready for audit.


Simple and easy

Although the features are advanced, the interface is very simple. The most frequently used information can be retrieved without even clicking.

Works everywhere

Only requires Internet access. Connect with smartphone, tablets, mac and pc.

Plans and Pricing

Forskellige pakker til forskellige arbejdspladser. Alle pakker kræver minimum et grundbeløb på kr. 299,00 pr. md. for adgang til onlineklinikken.

What Others Say

“After trying out other major systems, I must say that this is the first thing I’ve met that actually kept what it promised. It became easier to document from day one!”

Henrik Petersen


“It was surprisingly quick to get confident with the system. I worked with intake and medication management, and it was the first time I saw that a system could generate medicine plans automatically!”

Louise Hansen


“After we started using Validi, we can easily now document progress digitally instead of handwritten documentation.”

Henriette Petra


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Validi secure?

All communication between your browser and the web server is encrypted.

Daily backup (which is automatically deleted after 3 months) and it is easy to deliver client’ data to the client if desired.
In the future version, the client will have the opportunity to log in and read his own journals.

What is your notice of termination?

Quite simply; none. You have access to the system as long as you pay the subscription

Can I upgrade after I sign up?

Yes, you can. You can upgrade and downgrade at any time.

Write us for a free demo

14 + 4 =

Validi Clinic System

Developed and maintained by


Carl Johans Gade 12
2100 Copenhagen
tlf. +45 71 99 37 71
cvr. DK36411430